Small Boobs Nimunimu Onsen Romance - Kantai collection Chilena
(C96) [パノラマ通信局 (瑠璃ららこ)] ニムニムおんせんロマンス (艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-)
#284711 - H: wow how are you M: good As i try not to giggle as i stand inches away from him he's so cute with is dark hair brown eyes smug smirk and buff arms lined with ink and his chest wanting to burst out of the wife beater he was wear and I could see he's bulge trying to escape his jeans. Look look around to see if I recognize where I am but I don't is a wide open space it looks like an abandoned warehouse maybe even an airport hanger all I know is it has one big rolling door. The door opens in walks the the guys I've been talking and two other guys they all looked alike they could have been triplets or at very least brothers each of them was carrying something in his hand one a dagger the blade was about 7ins and the hilt was 10in the hilt was black with red bumps all over it.