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#203485 - Phil and Jo's was only a five minute walk away but felt like ages as she walked with butterflies in her stomach, As she got to phil and Jo's she knocked and phil answer with a kiss on the lips and a grab of D's arse saying how fit she looked, Phil looked hot dressed in nice jeans and shirt and smelt nice as well , Jo was in the kitchen making drinks and when she came in D saw how hot she looked low cut top very short shirt and pull up stockings where you could see her flesh between the skirt and top of the holdups. And she also gave D a big kiss on the lips a big hug D was in no doubt now that this wasn't just going to be an ordinary night and she could feel her pussy getting wet Jo brought the drinks in double vodka and coke all round they were sat on the setee for a bit talking and drinking,when Phil sugested a game of strip poker, Jo said yes for both her and D and went to sort the table out and get the cards out, she sh

Read Mother fuck Sengoku Chiridol Seijunha - Prince of tennis Cuckold Sengoku Chiridol Seijunha

Most commented on Mother fuck Sengoku Chiridol Seijunha - Prince of tennis Cuckold

Well damn